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it's essential to give a clear and concise description. This description will be used in a list of choices and may be linked to a button in touch portal.

For example, we'd like to create a touch portal button to turn on the external lights. We'll have to choose from a list, the dataref name that will be associated with this button. A good name for this example would be "external light".

Important term associated with choices in Touch Portal
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The group name is used to group datarefs under a category.

For example, if you create a touch portal button to turn for the external lights, a good name for this group could be "Lights".

If you use too many different groups in touch-portal, you may have trouble finding a dataref description. Limit yourself to just a few groups for your project.

Is important into Touch Portal for grouping choices
Must be int or float
Must be integer
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To determine which datarefs to choose, use the DatarefTool. Please note that some datarefs are used exclusively by certain aircraft.

Dataref types are either Int (integer), Float, Double, FloatArray (an array containing several data of type Float), IntArray (an array of type Int) or Data (containing one to many characters).

From DatarefTool, click once on a dataref from the list, then click on the "copy name" button. This will copy the name to the clipboard.

If you copy a FloatArray or IntArray dataref, don't forget to include its index number, otherwise it won't work in the plugin.

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The first index of an array is always 0, not 1.

Index start to 0
For example sim/aircraft/view/acf_author
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Use the comment box to list each dataref value and its meaning. For example 0="open", 1="close". This comment will be entered in the json file, which will eventually be saved. When creating buttons in touch-portal, it will be useful to use this information.

Use a comment to list the values used by this dataref
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when there are results, you can globalize its contents and save the result in a file. Pay particular attention to the syntax, which must be in JSON format..